color, background-color. color is refer main color, background-color is refer background color. Foreground color refers to the actual color of an element, styled with the color property. Background color refers to the color behind an element, styled with the background-color property. for special color such as lime. There are 147 named colors available. rgb can be either decimal number or hexade..
Objectives - Identify and categorise hardware components - Develop an installation plan - Disassemble and assemble new computer hardware components from the original packaing Peripherals - Hardware connected on the outside of the computer - Connection types - USB/ Firewire IEEE 1394 port - Wireless - Video - Disply port, HDMI, DVI, VGA - Audio - Aux, Optical USB 1 - 12 Mbps 2 - 480 Mbps 3 - 5 Gb..
css is similar to function in c. it defines font, color, size. It can be loaded by html. 1. A CSS selector targets an HTML element. like size, color 2. CSS declarations style HTML elements. Declarations must contain the following two things: property - the property you want to style. value - the value for the property you are styling. like c. we need to say that its end. 3. CSS declarations must..
css is similar to function in c. it defines font, color, size. It can be loaded by html. 1. A CSS selector targets an HTML element. like size, color 2. CSS declarations style HTML elements. Declarations must contain the following two things: property - the property you want to style. value - the value for the property you are styling. like c. we need to say that its end. 3. CSS declarations must..
omnidirectional cge for 1gbps ran packet tracer!! Cloud, router, switch, pc, server, printer, wireless router, laptop, ip phone. server have two ran port setting gateway 192.168.???.1 pc setting, printer like devices x-over cables unlike devices straight thru cable
MFC-L2703 DW brother dots per inch (dpi) - resolution Instruction Research and document : How to scan a document to a particular pc in a SOHO (small office home office) network. e.g. pc1, pc2, pc3, pc4, pc5 scan to pc2 Class A 0-126, Subnet mask 255*255*254 users 127 is a loopback address (Test nic is working) Class B 128-191 Subnet mask 255.255.0...
css file is used to define style of html file. it is used in head elements. here is a example. as you know, link tag is manly used for load css file. href can load from specific location either web or local directory. in this case, web. As we use css form, text/css is followed by type and stylesheet is followed by rel tag.
mild stone The Brown Bear The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is native to parts of northern Eurasia and North America. Its conservation status is currently "Least Concern." There are many subspecies within the brown bear species, including the Atlas bear and the Himalayan brown bear. Learn More Here are some bear species: Arctos Collarus Horribilis Nelsoni (extinct) The following countries have the l..