# Create new virtual disk from storage pool C:\Users\Administrator> New-VirtualDisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName 1500gbpool -FriendlyName 1000gbvd1 -Size 1024GB -ProvisioningType Thin -ResiliencySettingName Parity Ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/storage/new-virtualdisk?view=win10-ps
1. Ubuntu 1.1 IP address setup ip address sudo ip address add dev ens33 ping ip link set dev ens38 up sudo dhclient ens38 1.2 Apache install sudo apt update sudo apt install apache2 systemctl status apache2 1.3 vsftpd install sudo apt install vsftpd sudo adduser ftpadmin 1.3.1 vsftpd configure (uncommenting 2 lines, Ctrl+O to save, Ctrl + X to exit) sudo nano /etc/vsft..
CSG2344 Project Methods and professionalismModule 1The IT project has importance today. Skilled project manager has more chance to success in project. The project has an end date. Scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk, procurement, stakeholder, project integration management. The triple constraint: scope, time and cost.Module 2SDLC (software development life cycle): p..
Module 1 Internet and the Web are not the same thing – the Web is a series of hyperlinked documents residing on the Internet Many protocols exist on the Internet, including HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, TELNET... An IP address uniquely identifies computers on the Internet Domain names provide a human-readable abstraction of IP addresses. Consist of TLDs, ccTLDs, SLDs, subdomains... DNS resolves domain ..
What is binary, decimal-hexadecimal conversion. Hex editor can be used in validate collected raw data.In HDD, it consist of sector and cluster. In SSD, it consist of pages and blocks.FAT consist of raw data, content table, and others.In NTFS, master file table with separate file.
Outline based on [Exam Information - 201802.pptx]. Exam Sample Questions1. If you were given a 20GB hard drive that had been used to image an 8GB USB device andfound during analysis that more than the 8GB image was on the disk, what would thisindicate? How would you then proceed?- Due to the nature of hard drive and modern file system, deleted file will exist in hard drive. Any data other than t..
Module 10.