티스토리 뷰
color, background-color.
color is refer main color, background-color is refer background color.
Foreground color refers to the actual color of an element, styled with the color property.
Background color refers to the color behind an element, styled with the background-color property.
for special color such as lime.
There are 147 named colors available.
rgb can be either decimal number or hexadecimal number. 0-255 or 00-FF
RGB and hexadecimal colors offer over 16 million color possibilities.
hsl is another way to express color
HSL is a new way of defining colors in CSS3.
by adding a at rgb and hsl, a refer the opacity. 0-1, 0 is invisible.
You can modify the opacity of a color with RGBa or HSLa colors.
Not all browsers support newer CSS features, like opacity or HSL, so additional declarations should be made to support a wide audience of users.
There are many color picker resources available on the Internet to help you select specific colors, as well as provide colors in different formats.
color is refer main color, background-color is refer background color.
Foreground color refers to the actual color of an element, styled with the color property.
Background color refers to the color behind an element, styled with the background-color property.
for special color such as lime.
There are 147 named colors available.
rgb can be either decimal number or hexadecimal number. 0-255 or 00-FF
RGB and hexadecimal colors offer over 16 million color possibilities.
hsl is another way to express color
HSL is a new way of defining colors in CSS3.
by adding a at rgb and hsl, a refer the opacity. 0-1, 0 is invisible.
You can modify the opacity of a color with RGBa or HSLa colors.
Not all browsers support newer CSS features, like opacity or HSL, so additional declarations should be made to support a wide audience of users.
There are many color picker resources available on the Internet to help you select specific colors, as well as provide colors in different formats.
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