Info you need for server install guide- Level of depth - Servers Roles - Groups - Technical specs- Target audience - Knowledge level - Demographic- Pictures - Size - Number- Style guide - Formatting - Presentation Verbal interview record formQuestionaries Q1. What features to be explained in user manual? Q2. Which group of people are going to be trained by this manual? Q3. What is the technical ..
week 7 학교 7주차. 학기는 20주짜리인데 10주짜리 두개 텀(term)으로 나누고, 10주 끝나면 텀 브레이크로 1주일간 방학 있단다. 몇몇 과목은 10주차까지 과제를 내야해서 다들 과제하느라 바쁘고, 나도 빨리 내버릴려고 하고 있음. 상당히 상당히 평화로운 일상을 보내고 있고. 평일은 학교 갔다가 일 가는게 단데, 집에 있으면 공부 안하는걸 알기때문에 집에 좀 늦게 들어갈려고 함. 학교 도서관은 6시까지 열고, 시티 주립 도서관은 8시까지 열어서 적당히 컴퓨터 이용하면서 집에감. 주립도서관 컴퓨터는 마이크로소프트 오피스가 안깔려있는데 학교 도서관꺼는 깔려있어서 좀 나음. 어차피 모든 과제는 온라인으로 돌아가기도 하고, 프로그램같은거 써야하는거나 검색하는 과제가 많기때문에. 또 주립도서관 컴퓨터로..
e.g. element creates a table. table row The element adds rows to a table. table detail To add data to a row, you can use the element. table head Table headings clarify the meaning of data. Headings are added with the element. td colspan="2" Table data can span columns using the colspan attribute., td rowspan="2" Table data can span rows using the rowspan attribute. thead, tbody, tfoot Tables can..
Privacy - personal/ physical - right to be alone - to protect dignity - to be free of exessive surveilance - personal informaiton - some control over how this information is handled - identifies who you are - address, medical records, bank details, passport, driver's licence, tax file, medicare - could e used to identify you - preferences, locations, contacts, description of apprearance. - priva..
// Woongyeol_choi // P453075 // 25/08/2017 // AT1.2_Q4 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Woongyeol_Choi_p453075_AT1._2_Q4 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } privat..
Networking. 3 newwork and hopping between routers. 3 local network -,, Nearest hop From to - hop From to - hop From to - hop From to 19.. IP address in IPv4 11000000.00000010.00000111.01111001 IP address in binary 11111110.00000000.00000000.00000000 Subnet mask in binary 11000000.00000000.00000000.00000000 AND gate IP address and Subnet mask - NID (Network ID) NID in IPv4 Install a server 2012R2 ADDC (Active directory domain controler) DNS (Domain name service) DHCP (Dynamic host control process) Hyper-v ..
Active listening, Verifying (checking) survey monkey 25% of verbal, 75% of non-verbal (eye contact, face the speaker, encourage the speaker and feedback, sit/ stand straight) cause IT industry is facing customer. categorise the requirements - functional - what it needs to do - technical what are the specifications needed - operational - how will it work, how will it be used..
pwd outputs the name of the current working directory. ls lists all files and directories in the working directory. cd switches you into the directory you specify. mkdir creates a new directory in the working directory. touch creates a new file inside the working directory.