From incity motors, the manager get me on breif training on road and bring that to home by myself. It was tough as I turn off engine few times and fall off when I try to take u turn where on car was there (small residential area, safe). And the parking will sorted out by house master. Also, I got manual, spare key, document that I need to hand out Dot soon, map to home, and 2 helmet. manual (pdf):
Call to incity motors in vic park at morning, confirm that they open till 5.30 and they still sell ck125 ( Finish uni tutorial 1 hour earlier and head to victoria park. Purchase motorcycle and its full-face helmet for $790 and $50 each. All documentation was his work. He was transferring ownership from pre-owner to him an..
After finish grammar workshop and digital forensics lab in uni, I went to city and meet bess. Because bess wants to see Black mirror but she don't have access to netplex, I give the usb memory with some episod. We had KFC as light dinner and went to rock climbing centre in northbridge. There were three Korean climbing member there and 3 were come later. It was fun doing climbing and hope that sh..
Do some Tuesday workshop activity on paddlepad. Looking for a bike license to drive in WA. I need to pass a test in Korea and bring translated one here. Probablely I'll get license in Korea and when I come back to Australia, I'll buy supersport bike. Don't know my parent will approve or not. I'm on the way of buying bleach chemical and record the podcast. I'm gonna bleach my hair and change to b..
현재: 2016년에 딴 2종 보통 면허 소지.목표: 2종 소형 취득 도로교통공단 시험 면제 안내 - #나는 2종 보통면허 소지자에 해당되므로 2종 소형 취득시는 기능시험만 합격하면 취득 가능. 1종 보통 취득시에는 신체검사와 주행시험 합격시 취득. 운전 학원 갈 경우 30만원 정도에 2일간의 교육, 연습운전면허 시험장으로 갈 경우 시험당 7500원에 연습 없음. 2종 소형은 WA기준 R-E 라이센스(~660cc)로 변환됨