forest add a person to each group Business and IT. DHCP config in server computer, manage - add roles and feature. add DHCP. next, next. in server, allocate business and IT harddrive. each 5gb. share drive and apply permitions such as Y and Z drive. in client, go to my computer and manually add a network location. only shared folder or drive can be edited or access. Disc exe is downl..
virtual machine - vmware, download VMware workstation 12 from lan and install key - 154C7-TKL0M-N8P94-0C2KM-9HMH0 prepare 1 TB hard drive download - Windows 7 Eval.iso, en_windows_server_2016_x64_dvd_9327751.iso LAN is inside of network WAN is between network forest is entire network, domain LAN (Classroom) - WAN (With other classroom) - Forest (Thornlie T..
self study Review the project content xd wireframing (mac) Start tiasicia / taska Pick yellow colour of car to apply at navigation bar. bitmap, picture -> rgb color. image size -> pixels. resolution basic is 72, 150 is enough/ 600*600 assingment task a, b, c till week 9 balsamiq to make homepage mockup not home page, index.html Question Q: What do..
Session 1 recap Business requirements? - Information, budget, clients, resources/ staff How determine needs? - Interviews, survey employees/customers Traditional organisational structures - Functional - departments - Divisional -projects - Matrix - both Stake holders? - People with vested interest in business/project From end users? - Issues with project - Suggested new feature - How much they'r..
font-family apply to word's font, when name of the font is two words, we need "". The font-family property changes the typeface of text. serif is for printed material, sans-serif is for digital material. Serif fonts have extra details on the ends of each letter. Sans-Serif fonts do not. fallback fonts are for spare, prepared font. once the main font isn't available, the fallback font will be app..
WHS legal framework. acts, regulations, codes of practice, standards. acts and regulations are law. Communication is one way communication and consultation is two way communication. The importance of communication. Ethics - Personal morals - Morals of society - What is morality right or wrong Integrity - Strong moral principle - Stay true to your world - acting in consistency with personal moral..
WHS legal framework. acts, regulations, codes of practice, standards. acts and regulations are law. Communication is one way communication and consultation is two way communication. The importance of communication. Ethics - Personal morals - Morals of society - What is morality right or wrong Integrity - Strong moral principle - Stay true to your world - acting in consistency with personal moral..
Internet problem consume 21 minute. user: administartor pass: P@ssw0rd visual studio console application c# in virtual machine, with visual studio. console.writeline is for print some words on the screens. console.readline is for input some words on the screens Capital latter does matter. bool, int, double, long, char, string. int is 32 bit (4bytes). long 64bit (8bytes). double 64..