Binary BINARY - 66 73 78 65 82 89 - 01000010 01001001 01001110 01000001 01010010 01011001 Logic 1 - 5 volts Logic 0 - 0 volts the input is maden backword (YRANIB) security Keyboard (On screen safer) Server - AD DC, DNS(forwarder/ reverse), DHCP, file server, users, groups, computers, shared folder (full controls, read only), Print server. - week 9 smooth wall - li..
Task A 2 and 5 are commonly misdone. The majority of group responded that the yellow-colour background website looks fine. In terms of map, about three-fifth of people said that the map of driving school is increase the accessibility. More than two-third respondent are highly affected by other users reviews. Slightly more than a half of people are familiar using facebook messenger. Also, contact..
Week 8 -AT1 due date 2-4 files 1. The transperth report 2. The peer collaboration form 3. Server tool (can be embedded in the report) 4. Individual responses (can be embedded in the report) Server 2012 virtual machine 1. finder - vmware 2. open - file - new 3. create custom vm 4. select windows 2012 5. create a new virtual disk 6. customise vm settings 7. add cd/ dvd drive 8. tick 'connect' box ..
Do what you can't Assessments WHS assessmentsAssessment Task #1 - Portfolio task 1 - 4Assessment Task #2 - WHS meetinga) Meeting 1- Discuss the hazards risks and control measures- Assign actions and due dates- take meeting notesb) Communicate meeting outcomes (email)- meeting date/ time, participants- what was discussed, what were the outcomes (decisions)- Attach meet..
Small officeISP - (Bit defender) - - Bridge (Windows 10, Homegroup Rules) - - switch - printer/ computers simplest and most cheap firewall - smoothwall (linux) Red zone - danger zoneOrange zone - dmzGreen zone Red zone - - switch - web server/ router ( Orange zone - 2.4 ghz - laptops/ tablet Green zone - firewall - safe switch -..