Things to do1. evidence of understanding knowledge server virtualization cluster task 1 networking2. activity 1 security/ viruses3. three assessments4. topic 3 - server installation and management5. topic 4 - virtualisation6. topic 6 - wireless (cisco)7. smoothwall8. small enterprise packet tracer cli
kde Computer Hardware and Administration File Notes 2B v1.2 - Linux File Notes 3B v1.4 - Linux File How to hosting web site in windows. 1. go to turn or off windows features2. turn on IIS3. open IIS manger4. click add site. 5. locate the web file. 6. test it by loopback address
Tuition fee도미노 일하면서 생활비 벌고, 남는돈으로 한국행 비행기표값 모으고 있는데 150 달러씩 모으고 있는데 돈 안쓰다보니까 삶이 좀 피폐해 지는느낌. 듀얼 설티피케이션 (Dual certification) 이라고 학교 홈페이지에 cer4 it를 하고 추가 1과목을 하면 cer4 CST도 같이 된다길래 학교 시작하기 전주 오리엔테이션때 물어봤었는데 그사람은 대충 얼버무리고 나중에 알하본다고 함. 시작하고 첫날 강사가 그거 말하길래 그날인가 빠르게 리셉션가서 물어봤더니 안된다고함. 여느때와 다름없이 불평 한마디도 않고 그렇구나 하고 그냥 돌아옴. IT학생들은 CST로 바꾸면 학비 1천달러정도 줄어든다는데 나는 유학생이라 가격 상관 없고. 다른 학생들은 바꾼걸로 기억. 그리고 11주차때 보니까 ..
do codecademy javascriptFour essential data types in JavaScript include strings, numbers, booleans, and null.Data is printed, or logged, to the console with console.log().Four built-in mathematical operators include +, -, *, and /.JavaScript associates certain properties with different data types.JavaScript has built-in methods for different data types.Libraries are collections of methods that c..
install kali on raspberry pi 3 model b // Woongyeol_choi // P453075 // 11/10/2017 // woongyeol_choi_P453075_AT1.4 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace woongyeol_choi_P453075_AT1._4 { public partial class Form1 :..
one-to-one training w11 recap advantages- direct feedback (ask more questions)- focused training- easier to communication- less stressful- more practical demonstration (immediate practice of learned skills)- less distractions- faster training (pre individual) formal informal- strict process- safety (construction, police)- policy- formal assessment disadvantages- overall takes longer (multiple le..
From now on, Mac refer Apple product including iMac, Macbook. PC means Non-Apple product, may include linux but in this document only refer windows PC. Mac has closing button at left top but PC has right top.Mac use Dock (default bottom), PC use taskbar (default bottom)Mac use a bar at the top for menu, PC doesn't.Mac based on Unix, PC based on DosMac use its own file system (Mac Os Extended) an..
Data recoverynetwork integritynetwork recoveryaccess to computer should be always loggeddifference between a restore point and a backup using software (eg. wireshark, netanalyzer) to track suspicious IP addressinghow to stop pivacydata integrity scan - software tolerant volumesystems for corruption (hardwre) and the system file check (SFC) scan and repairsystem files and DISM (Dep..