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Difference between Mac and PC

Last72 2017. 10. 22. 19:58

From now on, Mac refer Apple product including iMac, Macbook. PC means Non-Apple product, may include linux but in this document only refer windows PC.


Mac has closing button at left top but PC has right top.

Mac use Dock (default bottom), PC use taskbar (default bottom)

Mac use a bar at the top for menu, PC doesn't.

Mac based on Unix, PC based on Dos

Mac use its own file system (Mac Os Extended) and can only read PC's file system (NTFS) but couldn't write, PC use NTFS (New technology file system) and even can't read Mac file system.

When close windows in Mac, the app still running, In PC, it closed.

When minimise windows is Mac, it keep its screen and minimised in dock, PC just minimise but when mouse over it, it show its screen.

Both can read FAT32 file system which is used to usb drive.

Mac has very limited model, PC has numerous number of variation.

Both can have exactly same component.

Mac use macOS (OS X), PC use Windows or linux (ubuntu).

Mac's default setting scroll is different from PC.

Mac has command key which is similar to Windows key in PC.

Mac use command + c to copy, PC use Contorl + c.

Same as copy, x to cut, v to paste, a to select all.

Mac use command tab to change program, Windows use Alt +tab and Windows + tab.

Mac use  bootcamp to install Windows, Windows install macOS named hackintosh.

Running based on web app are good for both of them.

Most games are only available for Windows.

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