css file is used to define style of html file. it is used in head elements. here is a example. as you know, link tag is manly used for load css file. href can load from specific location either web or local directory. in this case, web. As we use css form, text/css is followed by type and stylesheet is followed by rel tag.
mild stone The Brown Bear The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is native to parts of northern Eurasia and North America. Its conservation status is currently "Least Concern." There are many subspecies within the brown bear species, including the Atlas bear and the Himalayan brown bear. Learn More Here are some bear species: Arctos Collarus Horribilis Nelsoni (extinct) The following countries have the l..
Organisational = How staff are organised - Functional - By job - Divisional - By project - Matrix - By job and project Stakeholders Internal stakeholders < External stakeholders Assessment gathering info by survey interview Create technical documentation - Reports - Tutorials - User manual - Blue prints - Technicial specificaltion - Quick start guide - Warranty Two different kind of technical do..
D Protect workers from harm in the workplace C Protect people from unfair treatment and ensure equal rights regardless of any personal attributes E Protect people against unfair or abusive treatment based on real or perceived difference F - A Protect intellectual property of published and unpublished material B Protect people from misuse of their personal information A - F Protect the good name ..
Risk perception, WHS (work health safety) is for entire Australia. OSH (occupational safety health) is for Western Australia. Acts, Regulations, Code of practice, AS standards. The importance of WHS. WHS in workplace. -note- Privacy policy Copyright policy Code of ethics
linux, debian, unix, cisco, windows. Troubleshooting INCLUDES ask, operate, run tests, google, PING. -Note- Pc hardware - Physical components - Peripherals - connectiong - External devices - Programmed (software/ BIOS/ firmware) Components - Motherboard - CPU (central processing unit) - RAM (random access memory) - PSU (power supply unit) - GPU (graphic processing unit) - SSD (solid state drive)..
Decimal is 0 to 9, Binary is 0 to 1, Hexadecimal is 0 to f. change ip address and subnet mask address to binary. ASCII stand for american standard code for information interchange. cli. OSI Decimal Binary Hexadecimal 0 0000 0 1 0001 1 2 0010 2 3 0011 3 4 0100 4 5 0101 5 6 0110 6 7 0111 7 8 1000 8 9 1001 9 10 1010 a 11 1011 b 12 1100 c 13 1101 d 14 1110 e 15 1111 f -note- 4. Small enterprise bran..