티스토리 뷰

IT/Python: Codecademy

Python 4 Functions

Last72 2018. 2. 21. 14:02

def speak(message): return message if happy(): speak("I'm happy!") elif sad(): speak("I'm sad.") else: speak("I don't know what I'm feeling.")

import math

print math.sqrt(13689)

def is_numeric(num): return type(num) == int or type(num) == float: max(2, 3, 4) # 4 min(2, 3, 4) # 2 abs(2) # 2 abs(-2) # 2

def hotel_cost (nights):
  return 140 * nights

def plane_ride_cost(city):
  if city == "Charlotte":
    return 183
  elif city == "Tampa":
    return 220
  elif city == "Pittsburgh":
    return 222
  elif city == "Los Angeles":
    return 475
def rental_car_cost(days):
  cost = 40 * days
  if days >= 7:
    cost -= 50
  elif days >= 3:
  	cost -= 20
  return cost

def trip_cost(city, days, spending_money):
  return hotel_cost(days - 1) + plane_ride_cost(city) + rental_car_cost(days) + spending_money

print trip_cost("Los Angeles", 5, 600)

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