티스토리 뷰


PTE each 65 passed

Last72 2021. 3. 21. 09:06



So the tips and tricks I used


Section Part Shortform How I approach/study
Speaking Personal Introduction PI Some random things
Speaking Read Aloud RA

Read clearly, check some exam questions from ApeUni

Speaking Repeat sentence RS

Try not to pause when speak. Do not hesitate in saying wrong word or skipping

Speaking Describe image DI

Do not pause when speak. Reas title, compare some values

Speaking Re-tell lecture RL

Take a note. Use simple structure to retell it.

Speaking Answer short question ASQ

I didn't put too much attention on it

Writing Summarise written text (10 mins) SWT

Collect 4-5 topics from the text and combine to single sentance with a connecing words

Writing Essay (20mins)" WE

Based on vague structure, used ApeUni structure


Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Reading Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers MCS

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Reading Re-order paragraphs RO

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Reading Reading: Fill in the blanks FIB-R

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Reading Multiple-choice, choose single answer MCM

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Listening Summarise spoken text SST

Collect 4-5 topics from the text and combine to single sentance with a connecing words

Listening Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers MC

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Listening Fill the blanks FIB-L

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Listening Highlight the correct summary HCS

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Listening Multiple choices, choose a single answer MC

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Listening Select missing word SMW

Not much tips. Tried some questions from ApeUni

Listening Highlight incorrect words HIW

Follow the text using finger and cursor. didn't do much prep

Listening Write from dictation WFD

Write as listen withour accuracy. As soon as listening finishes, write again in new line combined with first draft and short menory.

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