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Scenario: R1 need to communicate to loopback ( in R2. FastEthernet connection through switch is stable and fast. But we also have another connection using Serial connection through ISP. Ideally, serial connection should work only the fastethernet connection is unavailable.When R1 set both ripv2 with FastEthernet and static with serial at the same time, router check the mask length (which..
https://mega.nz/#!BddTjTAa!4ZJDtTYtNU_G8UxPGRVpFtnwf4efLEOL5Dp7ABnpC5M Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZLD_o_fDiU [UserCustom DeviceProfile] +CVars=0B57292C3B3E280C1815100D00351C0F1C15444B +CVars=0B572C0A1C0B280C1815100D002A1C0D0D10171E444B +CVars=0B57292C3B3E353D2B4449 +CVars=0B572A11181D160E280C1815100D004448 +CVars=0B5734161B10151C3A16170D1C170D2A1A18151C3F181A0D160B444957414F +CVars=0B..
router rippassive-int fast 0/1 #Disable update rip routing from f0/1show ip protocolsCtrl + a # move Cursor to frontpassive-int default #make every port passiveno passive-int serial 0/1/0 #disable passive only for serial 0/1/0 Administrative distancesLonger subnet mask is used. in this case, EIGRP is used.Default ad is 120. Lower AD has higher priority.AD table demands on Routing protocol.
ip splitclear ip route * #clear all dynamic ip route. Force them.Ctrl + Shift + 6 #exit current command autosummarization router ripno auto #turn off autosummarization In rip routing, router will automatically merge network. Aka as load balanceDebug ip ripclear ip route * undebug allIn this case, R3 can't ping roop 21 or 22. R2 and R3 need to disable autosummarization. Configuration of R1 isn't ..
write-only mode ("w")read-only mode ("r")read and write mode ("r+")append mode ("a"), which adds any new data you write to the file to the end of the file. my_file = open("output.txt", "r")print my_file.read()my_file.close() my_file = open("text.txt", "r")print my_file.readline()print my_file.readline()print my_file.readline()my_file.close() with open("text.txt", "w") as textfile: textfile.write..