Comparators3 = 5 10 == 10 12 != 13Boolean operatorsTrue or False (3 = 5) this() and not that()Conditional statementsif this_might_be_true(): print "This really is true." elif that_might_be_true(): print "That is true." else: print "None of the above." # Complete the if and elif statements! def grade_converter(grade): if grade >= 90: return "A" elif grade >= 80 : return "B" elif grade >= 70: retu..
Three ways to create strings'Alpha' "Bravo" str(3)String methodslen("Charlie") "Delta".upper() "Echo".lower()Printing a stringprint "Foxtrot"Advanced printing techniquesg = "Golf" h = "Hotel" print "%s, %s" % (g, h) Date and time from datetime import datetime now = print '%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s' % (now.month,, now.year, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)